The fastest way to figure out who you are and where you're going
The company you keep determines the trajectory of your life. Get it right by thinking about eagles and pigeons.
We can learn a lot about life from pigeons and eagles.
Eagles, for example, fly so high that they know any bird they see at the same altitude will also be an eagle. Pigeons, meanwhile, fly lower, at a height any bird can reach.
That means pigeons can't be as certain what birds share their air space. But if an eagle sees a pigeon, the eagle knows it's flying too low.
In other words, the company you keep can tell you how high you can soar.
Olympic marathon runners, similarly, run alongside pacers to make sure they don't dip below speed. Pacers ensure that the olympians will get to where they need to be on time, or even ahead of schedule.
Pacers, eagles, and pigeons all point to the same thing: If those around you aim high, you can do what everyone else does and still hit lofty targets and stay on track.
So if your coworkers consistently deliver smart, original, and thoughtful work on time, you may not even realize just how inclined you are to do the same. In that space, doing the bare-minimum still means excellence.
Yet, if the company you keep aims for low-hanging fruit, odds are you'll do the same.
When pigeons abound, flying at an above-average altitude becomes more difficult.
If you're not sure how far, fast, or where you're going, the simplest step you can take is to figure out whether you're among pigeons or eagles.
And the best part is if you don't like the team you're on, you can build a new one.
Complement this article with theĀ Ultimate Guide to Focus for Creatives and the Ultimate Guide to Habit Building.