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Posts published in “Productivity”

Living Abroad to Push Our Boundaries

The phrase “living abroad” is in vogue; it has been for some time. It’s a phrase with an aura of adventure, capturing a wanderlust once romanticized in the novels of Hemingway and Kerouac, and today embellished in social media and student-exchange programs. Planting a life somewhere outside your native country…

A Teacher’s Finals Week

For the first time in my life, I am on the other side of school exams. I am the teacher responsible for doling out tests and marking papers, donning the mask of a tyrant that students believe teachers stash for this time of year. I am the first witness to…

The Story of My Life

One-hundred days have now come and gone in Hong Kong. A culmination of fleeting whispers of wisdom, the melodies of children’s laughter, forlorn moments of homesickness, a sharpened wherewithal—the city has graciously rumbled and purred and I have been fortunate enough to listen, digesting the surrounding ambiance while also reminiscing…

The End of My Gap Year

I am enraptured. The sunset sky of last night was invigorating: a pastel concoction of pink and orange, dotted with foam clouds graying with foreshadow of the coming nightfall. The atmosphere fell heavy upon the erect buildings, much like a drawn curtain though without the corrugation. The division between man…

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